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Stephen Bacon for the Harvester Series

Welcome to Luna, Stephen Bacon! We are so happy to have you with us! Stephen has joined our family through the Harvester Series, which you can read more about here.

Stephen's collection will include stories from the past, a few new ones, and some bonus material, true to the Harvester's spirit.

"I'm extremely excited to be working with such a dynamic new publisher like Luna Press, and thrilled that my second collection, Murmured in Dreams, will be released as part of the Harvester series. The stories contained in this book will include both originals and reprints that first appeared in such outlets as Black Static, Cemetery Dance, Shadows & Tall Trees, and Postscripts. Several of the stories were subsequently chosen by Ellen Datlow for her Best Horror of the Year series, although it's fair to say they straddle all of the branches of speculative genre - horror, science fiction, fantasy and crime.

These stories will hopefully take you to new worlds, or to areas of the planet that perhaps you wouldn't want to visit, or to encounter characters you might not necessarily want to meet."

Stephen Bacon has had fiction published in various magazines and anthologies on both sides of the Atlantic, some of which has been selected for Best Horror of the Year. His debut collection, Peel Back the Sky, was published in 2012 and was nominated for a British Fantasy Award. He is the author of the novellas Lantern Rock (Pendragon Press) and Laudanum Nights (Hersham Horror Books).

He lives in South Yorkshire, UK, with his family and an increasingly large collection of paperback books.

Stephen joins an amazing group of writers: Paul Kane, Marie O'Regan, Wole Talabi and Tim Major.

We have a super 2019 to look forward to!

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