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Nova Scotia Vol 2 Anthology: Pre-Order Available Now!

Cover of the book Nova Scotia Vol 2
Nova Scotia Vol 2 - Cover art by Jenni Coutts

We are excited to share that Nova Scotia Vol 2: New Speculative Fiction from Scotland is now ready for pre-order! Editors Neil Williamson and Andrew J. Wilson have curated stories from amazing Scottish writers. And let's not forget the gorgeous cover art by Jenni Coutts.

Release date July 30th, 2024.

Starting tomorrow, we will introduce you to our fabulous writers and their stories, so watch our socials!

If you've missed the TOC announcement, here they are:

1.     Weak Gods Of Mars  - Ken MacLeod  

2.     When You Are The Hammer, Strike - Eliza Chan

3.     Mhairi Aird - Lorraine Wilson

4.     Shoals - Morag Edward

5.     New Town - David Goodman

6.     Me, And Not Me - Jon Courtenay Grimwood

7.     The Bruce And The Spider - Andrew J. Wilson

8.     Lise And Otto - Pippa Goldschmidt

9.     The Colour Of Their Eyes - Dilys Rose

10.  Broderie Écossaise - Eris Young

11.  Grimaldo The Weeping - Ali Maloney

12.  Blood Lines - Russell Jones

13.  Junior - Lindz McLeod

14.  Peter's Thoughts - Grant Morrison

15.  Midnight Flit - Neil Williamson

16.  Sugar Teeth - CL Hellisen

17.  Dodos - Rhiannon A Grist

18.  Under The Hagstone - Doug Johnstone

19.  The Donkey - T.L. Huchu

20.  Helpline Zero - Ever Dundas

21.  Night Snow - Jane McKie 

22.  The Retreat - Chris Kelso

23.  Fruits Of Empire - James Kelman

24.  Glencoe - Carole Johnstone

25.  Love, Scotland - E.M. Faulds

26.  To The Forest - Jeda Pearl

TOC for Nova Scotia 2, with Jenni Coutts Cover Art
TOC for Nova Scotia 2, with Jenni Coutts Cover Art

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