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The Art of Iain J. Clark for Maureen Kincaid Speller - Cover Reveal

A small figure walking on a path between two tall rows of trees, heading towards a mountain
Iain J Clark Artwork "Path"

It is cover reveal time for A Traveller in Time: the critical practice of Maureen Kincaid Speller, edited by Nina Allan. As promised, the artwork "Path" has been created by award winning artist, Iain J. Clark.

This is what editor Nina Allan has to say on the artwork:

Nine months on from Maureen’s passing, we find ourselves reminded all too frequently of her absence from our lives, and the sadness that brings. One thing many have remarked on is how much they regret that she will not be with us at the Glasgow Worldcon in 2024. When I started to think about who might provide the cover art for A Traveller in Time, Iain J. Clark seemed the natural and only choice. As the official artist for Glasgow #2024, Iain has created many beautiful bespoke images, and it seemed to me that having his art on the cover of her book would be a way of bringing Maureen along with us. When I happened upon Iain’s drawing ‘Path’, I knew at once that it was perfect, and the choice was made. We cannot thank Iain enough for his generosity in coming on board with this project. The image, we are certain, speaks for itself.

The untimely passing of Maureen Kincaid Speller has been deeply felt by the SFF community. This book, born of a collaboration between Nina, Maureen and her husband Paul, is a way of remembering Maureen and her extraordinary contribution to the SF field of criticism and fandom. A Traveller in Time will open pre-orders at the beginning of July, and will be released mid-September, with a launch at Fantasycon.

Maureen Kincaid Speller [1959-2022] was a reviewer, critic and lifelong science fiction fan. Active in SF fandom from the early 1980s, Maureen started reviewing for the BSFA magazine Vector in 1986. She served on the jury of the Arthur C. Clarke Award, chaired the Tiptree Award and taught the SF Foundation Critical Masterclass in 2016. Her criticism has appeared in a wide variety of venues, and her extended critical analysis of the 2012 BSFA and Clarke Awards was shortlisted for the BSFA Award for Best Related Work. In 1999 she was nominated for a Hugo in the Best Fan Writer category. Her passionate advocacy of new critical voices saw her appointed Senior Reviews Editor of the groundbreaking speculative fiction magazine Strange Horizons in 2015.

Iain Clark is an artist working primarily in acrylics, oils, inks and pencils..

He has twice won the BSFA Best Artwork Award award: for “Shipbuilding Over The Clyde” in 2020 and for "Glasgow Green Woman" in 2021; both were produced for the Glasgow 2024 Worldcon. He was a finalist for the Best Fan Artist Hugo Award in 2020, 2021 and 2022 and a nominee for the European Science Fiction Society 2020 Hall Of Fame Award.

For Dublin 2019: An Irish Worldcon he created numerous artworks including the cover art for the Souvenir Book and Pocket Guides. He is currently producing artwork for the Glasgow 2024 Worldcon including banners, postcards, t-shirts and merchandise. He is also a prolific fan artist.

His website is He can also be found on Mastodon (, Tumblr ( and Instagram (


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