We are delighted to to announce that A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy & Science Fiction, edited by Francesca T Barbini, is now in pre-order!
The book will be released at Dublin Worldcon 2019, on the 14th of August.
PRE-ORDER NOW at a discounted price!
I give you the authors, in alphabetical order:

(Top row, left to right)
Teika Bellamy (UK). PhD. in Chemical Research from University of London. Managing Editor of the independent press, Mother’s Milk Books. Writer of science fiction, fantasy, and poetry (under the pen-name of Teika Marija Smits).
Presenting the paper: “Bluebeard – The Eternal Predator”
Steph P. Bianchini (Italy). Academic and social scientist based in Scotland. Historian by education and economist by professional practice, she also writes/reviews speculative fiction.
Presenting the paper: “The Inquisitor's creatures: the historical roots of the witch trope and its evolution over the centuries”
Octavia Cade (New Zealand). PhD in science communication.
Presenting the paper: “Spring Again: The Problem of Evil and the End of Winter in C.S. Lewis' Narnia”
Alice Capstick (Australia). PhD student in literary studies at Monash University.
Presenting the paper: “The Antihero’s Journey: The Influence of Milton’s Satan on the Evolution of the Dark Hero”
A J Dalton (UK). PhD Creative Writing. Fantasy author with Gollancz.
Presenting the paper: “Embodiments of evil and reflections of social change in second-world fantasy”
Sharon Day (USA). Occult Researcher, Writer, and Historian. Creatrix of the Alexandrian Witchcraft Historical Timeline website. Alexandrian Witch & Priestess. J.D. in Law.
Presenting the paper: “Through the Veil of the Digital Revolution and into the Abyss of Artificial Intelligence: The Insidious Desensitisation of Humanity”
Tatiana Fajardo (Spain). MLitt in the Gothic Imagination at the University of Stirling. Researcher and Writer.
Presenting the paper: “The Bloodlust of Elizabeth Báthory: From the Brothers Grimm to American Horror Story”
Sean Z Fitzgerald (UK). PhD in Creative Writing Practice, University of Winchester. MSc in Science Communication, The Open University. University Lecturer in Media Production and Creative Writing. Published writer of fiction and non-fiction.
Presenting the paper: “The fictional scientist as a dichotomy of good and evil in contemporary realist speculative fiction”
(Middle row, left to right)
Jason Gould (United Kingdom). Writer of fiction and non-fiction, genre and non-genre. Graduate in Creative Writing at University of Hull. Shortlisted for the British Fantasy Society Award.
Presenting the paper: “Re-Writing Evil: An Alternative to Personification: Portrayal, Presence and Purpose in the Short Fiction of M. John Harrison”
Lucinda Holdsworth (UK). PhD student in English Literature and Theology at the University of Glasgow. MLitt in Fantasy Literature, University of Glasgow.
Presenting the paper: “The Problem of Evil in Pseudo-Taoist Secondary Worlds”
Anna Köhler (Germany). PhD student researching gendered magic in contemporary fantasy at the Chair for British Literature at RWTH Aachen University.
Presenting the paper: “Evil Rewritten: Witches in Revisionist Fairy Tales”
Jyrki Korpua (Finland). PHD in Literary studies and Lecturer. Researcher.
Presenting the paper: “Machines of Chaos – The Shadows and the Reapers as representations of evil in the television series Babylon 5 and the Mass Effect game series”
Rostislav Kůrka (Czech Republic/Finland). MA Theology. PhD, Writer.
Presenting the paper: “From Dark Side to Grey Politics: The Portrayal of Evil in the Star Wars saga”
Kim Lakin-Smith (UK). MA in Journalism and Creative Writing, Fantasy and Science Fiction writer.
Presenting the paper: “Born Bad: Unmasking Evil in John Carpenter’s Halloween and James Cameron’s The Terminator.”
(Bottom row, left to right)
Robert S Malan (South Africa). Non-fiction and horror writer. Senior Editor at freeflowedit. Shortlisted for the Nommo Awards 2018.
Presenting the paper: “Xenomorphobia – Eighties Societal Fears and Issues as reflected in the movie Aliens.”
Anna Milon (Russia). Current PhD in English Literature and Paganism, current Education Officer for the Tolkien Society and assistant editor for the interdisciplinary academic journal Exclamation!on.
Presenting the paper: “Naming the Terror in the Forest: Evolution of The Horned God in Fantasy Fiction.”
Thomas Moules (UK). MLitt in Fantasy Literature, University of Glasgow. Writer of non-fiction.
Presenting the paper: “I have done only what was necessary - An exploration of individual and structural evil in the works of N. K. Jemisin.”
Katarina O’Dette (USA). PhD candidate researching fantasy television at the University of Nottingham. Researcher and fantasy writer. Executive committee member for GIFCon 2019.
Presenting the paper: “Yesterday’s Tyrant: Evolving Evil in Fantasy Television’s Reformed Villains”
Charul (Chuckie) Palmer-Patel (Canada). Doctorate from Lancaster University, UK; independent researcher of fantasy fiction; head editor of Fantastika Journal.
And Matthew J. Elder (New Zealand). PhD Candidate at the University of Waikato; Researcher of contemporary fantasy literature, magic, and identity construction.
Presenting the paper: “Imperialism as Evil in Epic Fantasy: An Analysis of the Fantasy Works of Eddings, Jordan, Sanderson, and Brett”
Dominic Riemenschneider (Germany). Magister Artium, self-funded PhD candidate in Art History at Mainz University. Independent scholar with a focus on the visual Fantastic and its roots in art & architecture.
Presenting the paper: “From Light to Dark – Using Gothic Styles to Visualise Evil in Architecture”
Barbara Stevenson (UK). BVMS and BA (Open University) creative writing and German. Fiction writer and veterinary surgeon.
Presenting the paper: “The Nature of Evil in the Thomas Covenant Chronicles of Stephen Donaldson”
While you are here, visit our Luna Family page to read more about our authors, and also to have a look at our lovely "Around the World with the Luna Family" display!
#AcademiaLunare #Callforpapers2018 #TeikaBellamy #OctaviaCade #AliceCapstick #AJDalton #SharonDay #TatianaFajardo #SeanZFitzgerald #JasonGould #LucindaHoldsworth #AnnaKöhler #JyrkiKorpua #RostislavKůrka #KimLakinSmith #RobertSMalan #AnnaMilon #FrancescaTBarbini #ThomasMoules #KatarinaODette #CharulChuckiePalmerPatel #MatthewJElder #DominicRiemenschneider #BarbaraStevenson #AShadowWithinEvilinSFF #StepPBianchini