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Nova Hellas: Greek SF in Translation

Updated: Jun 23, 2020

In the pursuit of bringing you exciting new voices from all over the world, Luna Press is delighted to introduce you to the authors of Nova Hellas: Stories from Future Greece.

And what is more, Luna Press has teamed up with Future Fiction, Francesco Verso's Italian press, to publish the book in both markets and, of course, both languages.

Before I introduce you to the authors, I'd like to mention the incredible translators who have helped bring this project to life: Dimitra Nikolaidou, Vaya Pseftaki and Stephanie Polakis.

And so, without further ado, here are the authors!

Vasso Christou was born in Athens in 1962. She lives in Athens. She has studied Information Technology and works as a teacher in Secondary Education. Her novels, Λαξευτές της Παλίρροιας (2006), Λαξευμένο Δίχτυ (2007), Ο Λαξευτής των Στοιχείων (2009) and her short story collection, Όλες οι Γεύσεις του Φωτός (2015), have been published by Ίαμβος Publications. Her short stories have been published in several Greek magazines and anthologies.

Kostas Charitos was born in Arta in 1970. He grew up in Athens, where he currently lives. He studied Chemistry at the University of Patras, where he got his PhD, and works as a teacher in Secondary Education. His short stories have been published in various anthologies and magazines in Greece. His first novel Σχέδιο Φράκταλ (Project Fractal), was published by Triton Publications in 2009. His second novel Χαμένα Χρώματα. Κόκκινο (Lost colours. Red) is on print by Kedros Publications. The short story ‘Social Engineering’ was published in the anthology a2525 by Science Fiction Club of Athens in 2017.

Ioanna Bourazopoulou was born in Athens in 1968. She has written novels, short stories and plays. Her works have been published in various literary magazines and newspapers. Among her novels is Τι είδε η Γυναίκα του Λωτ; (What Lot’s Wife Saw), 2007, Athens Prize for Literature, and listed by The Guardian as one of the best science-fiction novels of 2013. She is now writing the trilogy Ο Δράκος της Πρέσπας (The Dragon of Prespa), the first two volumes of which have been released: - (I) Η κοιλάδα της λάσπης (The valley of Mud), 2014, Athens Academy Award, Clepsydra magazine Award - (II) Κεχριμπαρένια Έρημος (Amber Desert, 2019). Other novels: Το Μπουντουάρ του Ναδίρ (The Boudoir of Nadir), 2003; Το Μυστικό Νερό (The Secret Water), 2005; Η Ενοχή της Αθωότητας (The Guilt of Innocence), 2011; the children’s book, Το ταξίδι των τρολ (The Journey of the Trols), 2009.

Michalis Manolios was born in Athens in 1970. His first novel, Αγέννητοι Αδελφοί, was published by Κλειδάριθμος Publications in 2014, and his second one, Το βιβλίο και η περφόρμανς, by Κέδρος Publications in 2019, while two collections of short stories, Σάρκινο Φρούτο and ...και το Τέρας, have been published by Τρίτων Publications in 1999 and 2009 respectively. His short story ‘Aethra’, included in the latter, received the Aeon Award in 2010. His short stories have been published in various anthologies and magazines in Greece, Ireland, Italy, the USA, Philippines and China.

Yiannis Papadopoulos is a photographer and video artist by training, digital designer by profession, and an author of science fiction short stories. In 2016 he co-founded ding: Creative Workshops for Kids, a workspace designed to promote children’s creative thinking & expression through art, design, and storytelling ( His photographic, video & interactive works have been presented in shows, exhibitions and festivals. His short stories have been published in magazines and anthologies in Greece. The short story The Bee Problem, was co-authored with Stamatis Stamatopoulos and published as part of Lina Theodorou’s a2525 Future Athens Stories art project.

Kelly Theodorakopoulou was born in Athens in 1978, where she studied English Language and Literature. Her short stories have been included in Μορφές Α (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2006), 10 Ιστορίες του Φανταστικού (Archetypo Publications, 2010), Literary Bistro 2009-2010 (Stella Samiotou Fitzsimons, 2012), Μαθαίνοντας ποδήλατο (Κέδρος Publications, 2013), and ΕΦΦάνταστες Ιστορίες (ΑΛΕΦ, 2013) anthologies. Her novel, Η φυλακή στο κεφάλι σου, was published in 2017 by Comicon Shop Publications.

Eugenia Triantafyllou is a Greek author and artist with a flair for dark things. She currently lives in Athens with a boy and a dog. She is a graduate of Clarion West Writers Workshop. Her short fiction has appeared in Uncanny, Apex, Strange Horizons, Fireside and other venues. Find her on Twitter @foxesandroses or her website

Lina Theodorou is a visual artist and a screen writer. She lives and works in Berlin and Athens. She mainly works with videos and installations. She has taken part in several exhibitions, including: the BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts (Brussels), the Vienna Museumsquartier, the National Museum of Contemporary Art (Athens), the EMAF (European Media Art Festival) (Osnabrück), the Deste Foundation (Athens), the Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum (Graz), the Museum Fridericianum (Kassel), the State Museum of Contemporary Art (Thessaloniki), the 8th International Biennale, the 6th ev+a Limerick Biennale, the 53rd International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, the 11th International Architecture Exhibition Venice Biennale, the Benaki Museum, (Athens), the Onassis Cultural Centre (Athens), the Biennale of the Moving Image, (Buenos Aires), and so on.

Dimitra Nikolaidou is a PhD researcher at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as the head editor at Archetypo Publications and the co-founder of Tales of the Wyrd, a company which organizes creative writing workshops and seminars. Her fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Metaphorosis, See the Elephant, Starship Sofa, Gallery of Curiosities etc as well as in several anthologies (After the Happily Ever After, Retellings of the Inland Seas etc). Her non-fiction work has been published in, Atlas Obscura, Future Skies etc as well as in several Greek magazines and historical anthologies.

Natalia Theodoridou is a Greek writer and editor, the winner of the 2018 World Fantasy Award for Short Fiction, and a Clarion West graduate (class of 2018). Natalia’s stories have appeared in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Uncanny, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nightmare, Fireside, and Interzone, among other venues, and have been translated in Italian, Estonian, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Arabic. Rent-a-Vice, Natalia’s first interactive novel, was a finalist for the inaugural Nebula Award for Game Writing in 2018. Natalia’s latest game, An Odyssey: Echoes of War, is published by Choice of Games. For details, visit www.natalia-theodoridou. com or follow @natalia_theodor on Twitter.

Stamatis Stamatopoulos was born in Athens in 1974. His short stories have been published in the Ελευθεροτυπία newspaper supplement ‘9’, in ΕΦΦάνταστες Ιστορίες (ΑΛΕΦ, 2013), Εφαρμοσμένη Μυθομηχανική (, 2014), α2525 (ΑΛΕΦ, 2017) and Αλλόκοσμοι (Ρενιέρη, 2017) anthologies, and in the Samovar magazine ( He lives and works as a carpenter in the UK since 2014. Find him @ RedNirgal on Twitter.

We are really looking forward to bring you this anthology in 2021 - social distancing allowing, it will be launched at Eastercon.


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