Rostislav Kůrka
Writer. Joined LPP in 2017.
Rostislav Kůrka is a Prague-born theologian with lifetime interest in fantasy, sci-fi, writing and world-building. His greatest success among wide public came unexpectedly in the form of LotR musical which spread among the Czech fan community after TolkienCon 2004.
In the academic field, his chief interest has been the Hebrew Bible and its historical background. While focusing on the importance of story in Judeo-Christian tradition, his interest in fantasy storytelling has managed to seep into his research, as it occasionally still does.
He currently lives in Finland, trying to find future balance between his academic interests and hobbies. He also contributes to ScififantasyNetwork.com as a Star Wars editor.
Awards: British Fantasy Award Winner 2018 for Gender identity and sexuality in Current Fantasy and Science Fiction.