Sean Z Fitzgerald
Writer. Joined LPP in 2019.
Originally from Liverpool, I now live in the southwest of England. I hold a PhD in creative writing practice from the University of Winchester, England. My thesis topic: ‘Writing Genetic Science-Inspired Fiction in Contemporary Society’. This concentrates on the contextualisation and practice of writing genetic-fiction (‘gene-fiction’). The main focus of the creative practice element of my research has been to produce a collection of novelettes and novellas that explore and speculate through contemporary and near-future fiction, the possible impacts and consequences of manipulating genetic code.
Creative Writing and Photography: www.seanzfitzgerald.com
Latest Publications:
(2020) ‘This is your future: Welcome to the New Stone Age’. Poetry and Covid (AHRC-funded project). August 2020.
(2020) A Common Thread. Leicester, UK: Troubador Publishing.
Fitzgerald, S. (2020) ‘Encouraging Discussion of Science and Technology Futures through Practice-Led Research’. Anthropocenes – Human, Inhuman, Posthuman, 1(1), 9.
(2020) ‘Writing science-as-fiction to examine practice-led research in creative writing as science communication’. Writing in Practice: The Journal of Creative Writing Research, Vol.6, National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE), pp.81-98.
(2020) ‘Presenting a constructive image of the processes of undertaking science and medical research through fiction in the wake of the 2019‐20 COVID-19 pandemic’. Journal of Science & Popular Culture, Vol.3 (2), Intellect, pp.217-222.
Visual portfolio essay featuring a photographic collection exploring street art at an ex-NATO Cold War Listening Station situated at Teufelsberg, Grunewald, Berlin City. Published in The Phare literary magazine, Sept 2020.
(2021) ‘All In Your Mind’: Abel Cain. Podcast episode.
Original drama, Abel Cain.