This is no April fool's joke! One year ago, Luna opened its very first Call for Papers. Under the umbrella title of "Gender identity and sexuality in Current Fantasy and Science Fiction: do we have a problem?", we invited writers to explore the theme from their own personal perspectives and inclinations.
The result was as incredible as it was diverse. The book will feature papers exploring how society, as reflected in real life, literature, movies, games and cosplay, is currently dealing with gender identity and sexuality in speculative fiction. Or is it?
With their various backgrounds and interests, I am proud to introduce you to our ten writers, some new to the Luna family, some already part of it, who have shared their research with us all. Clockwise from top left:
Anna Milon (Russia), English Literature, current Education Officer of the Tolkien Society. Researcher.
Cheryl Morgan (UK) SF critic and publisher, owner of Wizard’s Tower Press and Hugo Award winner. Researcher.
Hazel Butler (UK) MA Celtic Archaeology, Academic Researcher (Gender identity and Iron Age archaeology). Fantasy Author and Copywriter.
Alina Hadîmbu (Romania), MA in Comparative Literature and Cultural Anthropology. Writer.
Juliet McKenna (UK) Greek and Roman history and literature. Fantasy Writer.
Rostislav Kůrka (Czech Republic/Finland) MA Theology. Researcher, Writer.
Lorianne Reuser (Canada) English Literature, Greek and Roman studies. Researcher.
Jyrki Korpua (Finland), PHD in Literary studies and Lecturer. Researcher.
Kim Lakin-Smith (UK) MA in Journalism and Creative Writing, Fantasy and Science Fiction writer.
A J Dalton (UK), PhD Creative Writing. Fantasy author with Gollancz.
The book will be out this year - exact date TBC. Before the summer we will share more details about the individual papers, so stay tuned!
The Call for Papers 2017 will be announced on the 1st of May.