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Gareth L Powell Joins The Luna Family!

Updated: May 19, 2019

The Luna family is delighted to welcome Gareth L Powell! And a huge thank you also to his agent, Alexander Cochrane from CW Agency UK. Most of you will know Gareth for his SFF novels and short stories - from the award-winning Ack Ack Macaque trilogy, to the recently released Embers of War. Gareth will be contributing to our Academia Lunare section, on a project that will be of particular interest to his many fans and any aspiring writers: Gareth L Powell - About Writing.

Gareth has been on the scene for several years now, establishing himself as one of Britain's best SF voices. Not only that: his easygoing nature makes him incredibly approachable to his fans who, by the way, are growing by the day. He's there for them - a strong, creative and useful social media presence, happy to inspire and nurture.

There are many aspiring writers among Gareth's followers and friends, along with the rest of his fans, who will definitely appreciate this new book.

When I read the manuscript, I felt inspired, hopeful and comforted. It's like having a kind mentor sitting next to you, encouraging you to write a little more when you are tired, or to make a start when you don't think you can. I do believe this field journal will help many people. And even if you aren't a writer, you can still benefit from it, in the way it gently accompanies you through whatever creative journey you are on.

Gareth told us:

"There are some things nobody will ever teach you on a creative writing course. Lessons I had to learn the hard way, and things I wish I’d known when I was starting out as a writer. So I put this book together in the hope of passing on the insights I’ve gained in over a decade of writing professionally. This isn’t an English textbook. These are notes taken in the field and accounts of lessons-learned."

The book will be out in 2019.

In the meantime, you can get in touch with Gareth here:

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