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CfP 2020 Worlds Apart: Abstracts & Pre-Orders!

Since the 1st of July we have been introducing you to the individual contributors of our 5th CfP, Worlds Apart: Worldbuilding in Fantasy and Science Fiction. Pre-orders are now open and you will also find a discount when pre-ordering through our website directly.

While we wait for the launch day, on the 27th of July, you can discover more about our contributors and their papers. Click on each title, and it will take you to the relevant article.

(Top row, left to right)

Eugen Bacon (Australia) MSc with Distinction in Distributed Computer Systems (University of Greenwich), MA and PhD in Creative Writing (Swinburne University of Technology). African Australian author and editor.

Presenting the paper:

Claire Burgess (USA). B.A in Art History form U.C. Berkeley, M.A. in English Literature from Ca' Foscari University. Managing editor of In Medias Res and writer.

Presenting the paper:

Octavia Cade (New Zealand) PhD in Science Communication from the University of Otago; Master of Biology from the University of Waikato; Speculative fiction writer.

Presenting the paper:

Kevin Cooney (USA) Environmental analyst and ecocritic. Environmental Degree holder from Harvard University. Writer of nonfiction horror and science fiction.

Presenting the paper:

Sébastien Doubinsky (Denmark) Associate professor, Aarhus University, Denmark, award-winning author of the City-States cycle.

Presenting the paper:

Tatiana Fajardo (Spain) MLitt in the Gothic Imagination at the University of Stirling. Researcher and Writer.

Presenting the paper:

Ellen Forget (nee Michelle) (Canada). PhD student in Information Studies and Book History at University of Toronto and graduate of the Master of Publishing program at Simon Fraser University; freelance fiction editor specializing in science fiction and fantasy.

Presenting the paper:

Peter Garrett (Northern Ireland). MA (Lancaster, Creative Writing), MD (Liverpool, Renal Medicine), Diploma in International Public Health (KIT, Amsterdam). Independent writer and humanitarian physician.

Presenting the paper:

(Bottom row, left to right)

Rachel Jones (Wales) MA in geography at the University of Aberdeen, Master in Urban Studies and Planning at Helsinki’s university.

Presenting the paper:

Jyrki Korpua (Finland). PHD in Literary studies and Lecturer. Researcher.

Presenting the paper:

Sarah McPherson (UK). Writer and poet, drawing heavily on myths, fairytales and the fantastic; MA in Landscape Archaeology.

Presenting the paper:

Cheryl Morgan (Wales) SF critic and publisher, owner of Wizard’s Tower Press and Hugo Award winner. Researcher.

Presenting the paper:

Enrico Spadaro (Italy). Ph.D. en Études Anglophones à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille; Teach@Tübingen Fellowship at Tübingen University (Germany 2020-21); Translator and teacher.

Presenting the paper:

Allen Stroud (United Kingdom). Ph. D. in Writing Structures and World Development Techniques in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror.

Presenting the paper:

Ricardo Victoria-Uribe (Mexico). B.A. in Industrial Design; Ph.D. in Design from Loughborough University; Full-time lecturer at School of Architecture & Design (UAEMex); Writer of fantasy and science fiction; Nominated to a Sidewise Award.


Martha Elba González-Alcaraz (Mexico). BSc in Pharmaceutical Biological Chemistry; Master in Business Administration; Sanitary Responsible at ‘Tecnología y Diseño Industrial’; Writer of fantasy and horror.

Presenting the paper:

We will open pre-orders after the spring, and you will get a chance to learn more about their individual articles in the run up to release. The book will be released in August 2021.

Until then, stay safe!

The Call for Papers 2021 is now open - click here.

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