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Cover Reveal: Green New Worlds

An astronaut wearing a white suit floats in space. His facemask is cracked and colourful butterflies come out of it. Space itself is full of colour.
Alejandra Uría-Rangel 'Opening Worlds'

It's cover reveal time for Green New Worlds: A Quick Guide to Sustainability Through Science Fiction and Fantasy, by Mexican Academics Ricardo Victoria-Uribe and Martha Elba González-Alcaraz.

The cover art was created by Mexican artist Alejandra Uría-Rangel, and it's called 'Opening Worlds'. We love the vibrant colours and settings - a perfect match for this fabulous guide!

Drawing on a decade of teaching at Mexican universities, Ricardo Victoria-Uribe has teamed up with pharmaceutical chemist Martha Elba González-Alcaraz to create an introductory guide to sustainability, in an accessible way.

Tapping into Science Fiction and Fantasy across several media formats, examining anime, books, movies, and TV, the authors have created a practical resource for students, writers, and readers alike, who want to know more about just how big a part sustainability plays in everyday life. And, most importantly, how the future of humanity on this planet depends on our engagement with it.

Dr Vicky Lofthouse, Sustainability consultant and Senior Lecturer in Industrial Design at Loughborough Design School, said: "This book is intended to be an introductory guide to sustainability through the lens of science fiction and fantasy. It is just that. I can’t think of a book that rivals it in terms of the breadth of topics that it covers across the spectrum of sustainability and the clarity with which these topics are introduced."

The YouTube Premiere will happen on Thursday the 7th of March at 7PM UK time, and the book will be released on Tuesday 12th of March 2024. Pre-orders will open in the next month or so, and will let our subscribers know.

Academia Lunare is very excited to bring you this super accessible guide to sustainability, next year! We'll keep you posted!


Ricardo Victoria-Uribe is a Mexican writer. he lives in Toluca, State of Mexico. Studied Industrial Design at the School of Architecture & Design of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, where he currently works as lecturer focused on sustainability. Holds a Ph.D. in Design from Loughborough University. He is one of the founding members of Inklings Press, an indie publisher of short stories anthologies of science fiction, fantasy, alternate history, and horror. His short story “Twilight of the Mesozoic Moon”, co-written with author and fellow Inklings Press co-founder Brent A. Harris, was nominated for the 2016 Sidewise Awards for Alternate History. His horror story “Bone Peyote” was featured at The Wicked Library Podcast. Other short stories have been featured in anthologies by indie outfits such as Inklings Press, Rivenstone Press and Aradia Publishing.

In August of 2019 his debut science fantasy novel Tempest Blades: the Withered King was published by Shadow Dragon Press, an imprint of Artemesia Publishing, LLC. It was listed as finalist for the 2020 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards. The sequel Tempest Blades: The Cursed Titans will be published in August of 2021.

He is a fan of anime, 80s’ Saturday morning cartoons, Japanese RPG videogames, toys and mythology, which clearly influences his writing. He is trying to combine his interests with his research and lecturing work on sustainable design, of which his chapter in this book is one of those attempts.

Martha Elba González-Alcaraz is a Mexican writer who lives in Zapopan, Jalisco. Studied Pharmacobiologist Chemistry at the School of Chemistry of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. Holds an MBA from the University of the Valley of Mexico. She has published two stories with Inklings Press as one of the first authors featured in their anthologies. While she works in the medical device industry, she also works as freelancer proofreader and translator. She is currently working on a short story collection.

An avid reader with a keen interest on epic, long stories and classicals, with some of her favorite books being The Three Musketeers and The Neverending Story. Also, a fan of anime and Japanese RPG videogames.

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