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C4P: Anna Milon-Naming the Terror in the Forest: Evolution of The Horned God in Fantasy Fiction

Luna's third Call for Papers, A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction will be released on Wednesday the 14th of August, at Dublin Worldcon. Explore the 21 brilliant papers you will find in the book.

Today, we would like to introduce you to Anna Milon (Russia), Current PhD in English Literature and Paganism, current Education Officer for the Tolkien Society and assistant editor for the interdisciplinary academic journal Exclamation!on.

Presenting the paper: Naming the Terror in the Forest: Evolution of The Horned God in Fantasy Fiction .

Anna says:

"Following Margaret Murray’s contested work on European witch- cults, the Horned God has entered the public imagination as an amalgamation of the Greek Pan, Celtic Cernunnos, English Herne and the Devil himself: an anthropomorphic male deity with horns or antlers, associated with fertility, death, rebirth and wild spaces. He is presented in contemporary literature as an awe-inspiring guardian of the natural state of things. However, in works predating Murray, the Horned God has very different, much more sinister associations.

This paper will explore the transition of Horned God from frightening to inspiring and speculate as to the cause of this evolution of the character."

Anna Milon is a Russian-born London-bred Literature student with a BA from Royal Holloway, University of London, an editor, and a tentative hope never to leave academia. 

She is a PhD student in English Literature and Paganism, as well as juggling the not-at-all-unlikely hobby of Medieval Swordsmanship and the position of Education Secretary of The Tolkien Society.

In the rare moments of respite between traipsing the length and breadth of the country by train Anna prefers to spend her free time with the family cat, Sherlock, and a good fantasy book.

For Luna Press Publishing: "Beyond Realities 2015" 2015; Gender identity and sexuality in Current Fantasy and Science Fiction. 2017. "Poetry and Song in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien" 2018; Tolkien the Pagan? Reading Middle-earth through a Spiritual Lens - Peter Roe Series XIX; A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction (Release date 14/8/19).

Luna Awards: British Fantasy Award Winner 2018 for Gender identity and sexuality in Current Fantasy and Science Fiction.

A Shadow Within: Evil in Fantasy and Science Fiction

is now in pre-order!


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