The shorter the medium, the harder it gets. Any writer can tell you that. And that is why it's even sweeter when you are a winner in a flash fiction contest.
Luna Press Publishing is proud to introduce you to the five winners of the BR-FLit contest 2017. Here they are in alphabetical order:
Samantha Dordoy - The Night Nurse (Dark Fantasy) Hannah Froggatt - Long Live King Blood (Dark Fantasy) Bill Gardiner - Open Eyes (Science Fiction) Donna Louise Greenwood - Monster (Dark Fantasy) Zania Muma - Dream Time (Fantasy)
Congratulations to our winners! The stories are now published on the Luna website, and the winners will share the cash prize made up of the entry fees for the contest.
We also have a few Honourable Mentions. Alongside the five winning stories, five more made the shortlist. These stories struck a chord with the judges, and although they were not selected, we took great pleasure in reading them. Here they are:
Sarah Dixon - Windholme (Dark Fantasy) Pauline E Dungate - Pooped (Fantasy) Esther Johnson - Echo (Fantasy) Barbara Stevenson - Fantasy Football (Fantasy) Aidan Swain - The Blood Smile (Dark Fantasy)
We want to thank all the other participants for challenging themselves with BR-FLit 2017. Every piece you write improves you as an author, and if this was your first time with flash-fiction, well done. Stepping out of your comfort zone is never easy but, as always, perseverance is the key. Don't be discouraged!
BR-FLit 2018 will open again on the 1st of January 2018. Start writing!