Today we would like you to meet Aníbal J. Rosario Planas, one of the "Steampunk Writers Around the World" authors. Aníbal has contributed the short story "PÓLVORA Y VAPOR", one of the stories you will be able to read in Spanish.
Above, you can see Jay Johnstone's image created for this particular story. Jay is also responsible for creating the cover of the anthology.

Aníbal J. Rosario Planas was born January 2, 1982 in Ponce, Puerto Rico. A professional in Business Administration and Communications who dedicates most of his free time to various art expressions. Not only is he a self-taught drummer, but he has developed as a writer in a period that expands more than a decade. He started writing poems and songs and later, short stories and novels.
Rosario Planas is the first Puerto Rican to publish a book completely dedicated to the Steampunk genre. He is the creator of the Steampunk series ATLAS CENTRI, that includes the books Sobre Comienzos Fortuitos and Sobre Pasados Conflictivos, plus a comic book titled Mecanismos Imperfectos and the short story Mecanismos Perfectos.
He is currently working on the conclusion to the ATLAS CENTRI series, plus two other books non-related to Steampunk.
You can pre-order your copy on our website, through your usual outlets, or even pick up a copy in Helsinki, during the Worldcon!
You can hear all about the anthology and Aníbal's involvement from the man himself. Here are two links, one in Spanish and one in English.
We leave you with a little teaser of Aníbal J. Rosario Planas' story. Enjoy!
Era invierno del año 1899 en Puerto Rico. El invierno en el Caribe no es nada parecido a los fríos inviernos de Inglaterra, España o Estados Unidos. La mayoría de los días de invierno en Puerto Rico se asemejan a un día de verano en esas regiones. Las noches pueden ser un poco más frescas, algo similar a un día de primavera. Al igual que todos los inviernos, los días eran templados, las noches un poco más frescas. Pero el 25 de enero de 1899, en el pueblo de Ponce, una noche fresca se transformó rápidamente en un infierno caluroso. Un acontecimiento que cambió para siempre la historia de este pueblo y de todo un país. El suceso se recuerda hoy día como “el Fuego del Polvorín”. Pero antes de hablar de tan histórico acontecimiento es importante conocer un poco del trasfondo de la ciudad.